Modello 231 Isagro S.p.A.
Organizational Model
The goal of the Organizational Model, approved - in the updated version - by the Board of Directors of Isagro on February 28th, 2024, is to present the set of rules and operating tools needed to guarantee that Isagro's activities comply with the principles set forth by Italian Decree 231/2001.
The Code of Ethics is closely connected to the Model; the Code of Ethics identifies the principles and values of reference to prevent the crimes contemplated by the aforementioned Decree: administrative liability of entities for crimes committed in their interest by people who hold top management positions in that entity's organization.
The task of verifying the proper operation and observance of the Model lies with the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board has a collective structure in order to comply with the requirements of independence, professionalism and continuity of action envisaged by the Decree.
The document that describes Isagro's Organization Model is comprised of a General Section and a Special Section. The General Section covers the contents of Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001, defines the Supervisory Board, its functions and relevant reporting obligations, the responsibility for protection of the information obtained, and describes the Disciplinary System adopted by the Company.
The Special Section explains sensitive processes and the measures and safeguards set up by the Company in order to prevent crime committal risks contemplated by the Decree. The Attachments mentioned in the document from time to time together with the Special Section, are available at the registered office.