Isagro S.p.A.
Isagro is owned by the American group Gowan LLC (a multinational with over 1,300 employees, over 27 entities and sales in over 70 countries throughout the world). Isagro was established in 1993 and listed in 2003 on the Italian Stock Exchange. On August 9 2021, by means of resolution no. 8789 of August 3, 2021 issued by Borsa Italiana, the Shares of Isagro (ISIN IT0001069902) have been revoked from listing on the Mercato Telematico Azionario, Segment STAR (so-called delisting), in accordance with Article 2.5.1, paragraph 6, of the Stock Exchange Regulation.
The Company carries out its manufacturing activities at 4 sites in Italy and it sells in over 70 countries.