Aprilia Plant

Aprilia Plant

Via Nettunense Km 23,400
04011- Aprilia (Latina)
Tel. +39 06 920491
Fax +39 06 9281293
Mail: stabilimento.aprilia@isagro.com

The plant is in charge of formulating and packaging powders, liquids, pastes and hydro-dispersible granules, by exploiting technologies that enable the realization of high quality products with a low environmental impact.
The plant covers an area of 140,000 sqm, of which roughly 33,500 sqm are covered, and it can produce up to 300 different types of formulated products.
At this plant too, an energy diagnosis study aimed at optimizing the thermic and electric resources was conducted.
The emissions exhaled by the plant production activity are accurately kept under control by monitoring the parameters set in the authorizations granted by the Authorities. The parameters show values well below the authorized limits. Also in 2015, plant components were installed to reduce odors and a systematic specific training program was implemented for employees, covering the reduction of risks affecting the surrounding environment.